〆キャラのら猫クロッチと人生の師匠 辰巳渚が、今日を明るく生き抜くためのメッセージを贈ります。クロッチが神出鬼没にいろいろな街で配布します。どこに出没するかは非公開。
【のら猫クロッチと目があって ★ 同行二人】
第二回 辰巳渚さん × 鈴木万由香さん
そして今、渚さんと万由香さんが中心となって「NOLA」の活動がはじまった。NOLA(ノラ)とは「日本のふつうの暮らし協会」(Nippon Ordinary Life Association)のこと。 ここは「ノラ」つながりのよしみでオイラも一肌脱ぎたいところ。さっそく姐さんたちに「NOLAでどんなことをするのか」を聞いてみた。
渚さん 「日々の営みにこそ、伝えたい「日本の良さ」がある。」
万由香さん 「着物を日常に着ることで「伝えられること」がある。」
食べるもの、着るもの、暮らし方、そしてアート、もともと日本的なものが好きだったが、次第に、「日常」つまり「ふつうの暮らし」が大切だと思うようになった。「たとえば、着物を晴れ着としてではなく、日常に着ることもひとつの表現であり社会活動になるのでは? 少し大げさかもしれませんけど」。と微笑む万由香さん。
「人は慣れ親しんだものに共感を覚えるわけで、母や祖母、街でゆきかう人の着物姿を見た子どもはいつか自分も着物を着てみようと思うかもしれません」 とはいうものの、「なにがしの行事に着物で参加しました。などと事細かに発信していくのではなく、もっと『日本の良さ』の根っこの部分を伝えていきたい」と思っていたが、「では、なにをどうしたらいいのだろう?」と、もどかしい思いを抱えていた時に出会ったのが渚さんだった。同じ問題意識を抱えていた二人はすぐに意気投合。間もなく「NOLA」を設立し、活動をはじめた。
渚さん 「懐古趣味ではなく、暮らしの根底にあるものを伝えていきたい!」
万由香さん 「自分が挨拶をしよう! 自分が着物を着よう! まずは自分が実践!」
― 最後に ―
NOLA(Nippon Ordinary Life Association)
■辰巳 渚(たつみなぎさ)
■鈴木 万由香(すずきまゆこ)
第1回 NOLA話
出演:辰巳渚 鈴木万由香
2016.3.3 配信
第2回 NOLA話
出演:辰巳渚 鈴木万由香
2016.4.11 配信
第3回 NOLA話「三社祭」
出演:辰巳渚 鈴木万由香
2016.5.15 配信
第4回 NOLA話
出演:辰巳渚 鈴木万由香
2016.6.18 配信
第5回 NOLA話「瓜づくし」
出演:辰巳渚 鈴木万由香
2016.7.27 配信
TOKYO ANIMATION Business Accelerator
Tokyo Animation Business Accelerator:
Project Outline
Tokyo is home to a thriving animation industry, but much of its highly creative output is unknown outside of Japan.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government wants to change all that. And that’s why we’re supporting the efforts of these very creative teams and promoting the Tokyo animation industry to join MIFA.
We can open the door to an entire rainbow of Tokyo talent that is not represented in the global animation market. Unique and technically outstanding, they have so much to offer. We do hope you’ll take this chance to work with them!
Exhibitors in MIFA 2018
Tokyo Animation Business Accelerator Program Announced The Exhibitors of MIFA2018 Tokyo Booth
zelicofilm, LLC (Kokubunji-city) ”ARAGNE -Sign of Vermillion-”
Tomovies.LLC (Shibuya-ward) ”Water Ground”
Twi-flo, LLc (Setagaya-ward) ”kurayukaba”
NURUE Inc. (Shinjuku-ward) ”Krocchi the Street Cat”
Volca inc. (Minato-ward) ”VOCAL VOLCA”
※Japanese alphabetical order
MIFA 2018 Tokyo Booth Outline
Exhibition: Marché international du film d’animation (MIFA)
Date: June 12-15, 2018 (four days)
[ English ]
Krocchi is a feisty, charismatic stray cat who lives downtown near Domineco Street. He looks tough on the outside, but he has a strong sense of justice and a kind heart. While he doesn’t have a home or a family, he spends every day living life to the full. Constantly stalked by the dangers posed by cars, accidents, illness and hunger, Krocchi just loves knocking feeble pet cats into shape. He makes cowardly Shiratama faint with fear, he sprinkles fleas to prompt an unpopular old cat to get some exercise, he pesters pampered Giovanni. This is the touching story of how the thoroughly curious and well-meaning busybody Krocchi interacts with the members of the Domineco neighborhood, including people, stray cats, pet cats, crows, little birds, and other small animals.
The ultimate aim is a world without poverty or war. Through various stories, our message to children is that as long as they are compassionate, sincere, and care for those around them, they can help make the world a better place. That’s why we decided to use as our messenger Krocchi, a street cat who displays the necessary vitality and empathy. Harnessing the charisma and unique personality of Krocchi, along with the power of animation, we want to convey to the rising generation of children around the world that they can find ways to move forward in life without conflict.
Character Design/Author: Karinyan
Executive Producer: Ian Tsutsui
Production company: NURUE Inc.
Director: Mari Hamamoto
Animation: Masato Ota
Assistant Director: Maiko Aida
Director/Composite/Editing: Kenichi Otaki
Producer: Shigetaka Mochizuki
Production company: asura film co., ltd
Music: “Gioca con me” von CD “Stella stellina” von “…e la luna?”
Composition: Martin Klenk
Lyrics: Eva Spagna
Vocals: Eva Spagna
Cello: Martin Klenk
Guitar: Holger Schliestedt
[Creator Profile]
NURUE Inc. created the animations The Animal Conference on the Environment and Krocchi the Street Cat as part of The Animal Conference on the Environment project it has been developing since 1997. The Animal Conference on the Environment is an edutainment work that encourages children around the globe to imagine that they are animals and then to think about the future. In 2010, the terrestrial channel NHK Educational broadcast the first series nationwide in Japan. In 2016, agreement was reached to develop a second series as a Japan-Canada collaboration. The Animal Conference on the Environment won the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety Award in Japan’s Kids Design Awards 2017. Krocchi the Street Cat is a work that conveys the importance of compassion and friendship in the building of a better world.
[Company Contact]
>>Contact US
[ French ]
Krocchi est un chat errant, charismatique et bagarreur qui vit près du centre-ville dans le quartier de la rue Domineco. Il peut paraitre effrayant au premier abord mais il est d’un cœur bienveillant et possède un sens aigu de la justice. Bien qu’il n’ait pas de maison ou de famille, il vit pleinement chacune de ses journnées. Constamment exposé aux dangers mortels des voitures, des maladies et de la faim, son passe temps favori est d’aller embêter les chats domestiques du voisinage. Il aime effrayer Shiratama, un chat peureux, il adore exciter un vieux chat impopulaire en lui saupoudrant des puces, et taquiner Giovanni, chat de bonne maison. C’est l’histoire touchante du curieux Krocchi et de ses rencontres avec les habitants du quartier Domineco, notamment les êtres humains, les chats errants et domestiques, les oiseaux et autres petites bêtes.
“Un monde sans pauvreté ni guerre” tel est le message porté par cette histoire, afin de transmettre aux enfants que la compassion, la sincèrité et l’attention envers ceux qui les entourent, contribue à rendre le monde meilleur. A travers cette histoire, Krocchi démontre que la force de vivre et compassion sont deux choses importantes pour atteindre ce but. Grâce à ce personage original et à l’animation attrayante, nous souhaitons transmettre à la nouvelle génération d’enfants du monde entier, qu’ils peuvent toujours trouver des moyens d’avancer sans se bagarrer comme Krocchi.
Character Design/Auteur : Karinyan
Producteur exécutif : Ian Tsutsui
Société de production : NURUE Inc.
Réalisatrice : Mari Hamamoto
Animation : Masato Ota
Assistant Réalisatrice : Maiko Aida
Réalisateur/Composite/Montage : Kenichi Otaki
Producteur : Shigetaka Mochizuki
Studio d’animation : Asura film co, ltd.
Musique : “Gioca con me” von CD “Stella stellina” von “…e la luna ?”
Composition : Martin Klenk
Paroles : Eva Spagna
Chant : Eva Spagna
Violoncelle : Martin Klenk
Guitare : Holger Schliestedt
[Profil du créateur]
NURUE Inc. a créé les films d’animation The Animal Conference on the Environment et Krocchi the Street Cat dans le cadre de son projet The Animal Conference on the Environment qu’il développe depuis 1997. The Animal Conference on the Environment est un travail ludo-éducatif qui encourage les enfants du monde entier à s’imaginer qu’ils sont des animaux et à penser à l’avenir. En 2010, la chaîne terrestre NHK Educational a diffusé la première série à l’échelle nationale au Japon. En 2016, un accord a été conclu pour développer une deuxième série dans le cadre d’une collaboration Canada-Japon. The Animal Conference on the Environment a remporté le prix du Ministre d’État chargé des consommateurs dans le cadre de Kids Design Awards 2017. Krocchi the Street Cat est une œuvre qui transmet l’importance de la compassion et de l’amitié dans la construction d’un monde meilleur.
[Entreprise Contact]
>>Contact US
Dance with SHOBI Tobi-ko Dancers
[ Let’s Dance ]
[ Choreographer : Aoi Chikako ]
セーフコミュニティダンス「あした スキップ」
ヒップホップの軽快なリズムにのせて、楽しく体を動かしながら身軽な動作をとれるようにトレーニングするダンス『あした スキップ』がついにできた。一度聞いたら忘れない覚えやすい歌詞と音楽はタツノリ兄さんの作、運動理論に基づいてダンスの振り付けを担当したのはチカコ姉さんだ。そしてクロッチは、仲間の鳶っこダンサーズといっしょにパフォーマンスをビデオに収録したのさ。保育園や幼稚園、親子で集まるイベントなどで、子どもたちといっしょにダンスをしていこうとはりきっているんだ。
企画・制作◎株式会社ヌールエ デザイン総合研究所
制作協力◎学校法人 尚美ミュージックカレッジ専門学校
セーフコミュニティダンス「あした スキップ」は、2013年に豊島区がセーフコミュニティ国際認証都市となったことをきっかけに誕生しました。 「セーフコミュニティ」認証とは 「WHO地域の安全向上のための協働センター」が推進する、安全・安心まちづくりの国際認証制度。2013年2月現在、世界約300の都市が認証を取得している。「けがや事故等は、偶然の結果ではなく、原因を究明することで必ず予防できる」との考えに基づき、「横断的な連携・協働」と「科学的手法の活用」により、安全・安心と健康の質を高めていく活動を同センターは推進している。
[ TOSHIMA -City Safe Community Event / 2012.10.1]
Krocchi with “MERRY PROJECT”
[ Opera “NAITA – AKA – ONI” in Shinjo-city / 2015.7.1]
Produced by Opera SAI
Wada Takako
– On Domineko Street in a city somewhere –
His daily routine includes paying respect to feeble house cats. Everyday, various dramas will evolve among street cats and house cats, dogs and crows, small bugs, and humans. Krocchi honors his personal duties and he is fair. And he always acts on his wish for other being’s happiness: his heart knows no boundary. Although he is all alone with no family and relatives, he keeps going strong with his trust in tomorrow.
[Creator Profile]
NURUE Inc. created the animations The Animal Conference on the Environment and Krocchi the Street Cat as part of The Animal Conference on the Environment project it has been developing since 1997. The Animal Conference on the Environment is an edutainment work that encourages children around the globe to imagine that they are animals and then to think about the future. In 2010, the terrestrial channel NHK Educational broadcast the first series nationwide in Japan. In 2016, agreement was reached to develop a second series as a Japan-Canada collaboration. The Animal Conference on the Environment won the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety Award in Japan’s Kids Design Awards 2017. Krocchi the Street Cat is a work that conveys the importance of compassion and friendship in the building of a better world.
[Profil du créateur]
NURUE Inc. a créé les films d’animation The Animal Conference on the Environment et Krocchi the Street Cat dans le cadre de son projet The Animal Conference on the Environment qu’il développe depuis 1997. The Animal Conference on the Environment est un travail ludo-éducatif qui encourage les enfants du monde entier à s’imaginer qu’ils sont des animaux et à penser à l’avenir. En 2010, la chaîne terrestre NHK Educational a diffusé la première série à l’échelle nationale au Japon. En 2016, un accord a été conclu pour développer une deuxième série dans le cadre d’une collaboration Canada-Japon. The Animal Conference on the Environment a remporté le prix du Ministre d’État chargé des consommateurs dans le cadre de Kids Design Awards 2017. Krocchi the Street Cat est une œuvre qui transmet l’importance de la compassion et de l’amitié dans la construction d’un monde meilleur.
– LuckyWide x Krocchi Exhibition –
Nov 7 – 13 / 2016
Roppongi Stripe’s Space
[ Hi! Krocchi ]
Director : Takahiro Kido & Yuki Murata
Movie : Yuko Tayanagi (ACE)
Music : Takahiro Kido
Production : Ricco Label
Produced by NURUE & ACE
[ Krocchi Fashion ]
[ message ]
そんなコットン畑で働く子どもたちが児童労働から抜け出し、教育を受けられるようになることを目指して、日本のNPO法人ACE(エース)は、現地NGOのSPEEDと共に「ピース・インド プロジェクト」を実施しています。
コットン畑で働き、望んでも学校に行くことができなかった過去を持つセンターに通う女の子たちに、クロッチが「おいらの服を作ってほしい」と依頼をしてくれ ました。初めてクロッチと会った時、女の子たちから笑顔がこぼれました。クロッチは彼女たちにとって初めてのお客さんでした。
◉世界の子どもたちを児童労働から守るNGO ACE
Akanko Ainu Kotan, home of the folk crafts and the dances is located in Lake Akan spa town, lakeshore area. Lake Akan is in Akan national park, east Hokkaido, and famous for Marimo. Ainu traditional dance, Ainu puppet play and Iomante Fire Festival are performed here, and you can learn the ancient Ainu living and the culture at Ainu Living Memorial Hall. We hold a lot of interesting events, such as the Mukkuri(Ainu instruments) class or the lecture of Ainu history. In Ainu Kotan, there are many folk craft souvenir shops, and some restaurants where you can enjoy Hokkaido and Ainu cuisine and coffee shops. Please come to Lake Akan and do come to Ainu Kotan!
[ – EKASHI – Urakawa Haruzo ]
– Hiding tears behind hydrangea –
Chappo, a housecat, admires Krocchi and dreams about a free life of a streetcat. One day, he decided to run away from his home. Chappo was spending happy days with Krocchi who had become his good pal and taught him how to live on the streets. But, Chappo had his feet badly injured due to his carelessness. Realizing that Chappo could spend the rest of his life dragging his feet, Krocchi steeled his heart and took a drastic action.
– Cherry blossom rain –
Kuma is a black cat with a bent tail whose heart is innocent like that of an angel. He has a minor level of intellectual disability and is slow-paced, not able to hunt and get his own food. Krocchi takes care of Kuma as if Kuma is his own younger brother. Tonight, the park is full of people who came to view the flower blossoms, which means it’s a special night once a year when the street cats can feast on the leftovers after midnight. Krocchi, however, cannot move because he is suffering from food poisoning. ”But I wanted to let Kuma enjoy the good food!” laments Krocchi, and then a miracle of love happens.
– Summer Festival –
The sound of the summer festival drums coming from afar. Whenever he hears this sound, Krocchi remembers his eldest brother Krobee who was killed in a traffic accident on an evening of the summer festival. Many years has passed since then, and the festival day has arrived again. In the early evening light, Krocchi saw a car rushing toward two kittens playing around. Without thinking what would happen to him, Krocchi jumped at the kittens frozen in front of the car trying to save them. With the screeching sound of the car brakes, Krocchi regained his consciousness to see an unbelievable scene.
– A snack offering from Ume-chan –
On an extremely hot summer day, a kitten Krocchi had lost sight of his parents and siblings and become unable to move being dehydrated when a local volunteer for street cats. However, no one wanted to adopt Krocchi with nasty look and thick voice. Six months later, he eescaped from the shelter where he had no freedom and ran into snowy streets, ending up being hungry, cold, and unable to move. “I’m finally going to die here.” thought Krocchi when he smelled plum blossoms and followed it to a garden where there was a tortoiseshell cat with shiny coat. What Ume-chan, the tortoiseshell cat, gave Krocchi?
– Krocchi paying a visit to Yohaneko (weakling cats) –
As an indispensable part of his daily routine, Krocchi pays a visit to house cats living on Yohaneko Street. Krocchi looks down upon those house cats calling them Yohaneko (weakling cats), and enjoys teasing them showing how free a street cat is, focusing his mighty eyes, which he is proud of, on a coward cat and make him loose his consciousness, and transferring fleas to a long-haired European breed. He evens jumps up at Gonzo the Crow. Even such a marverick, Krocchi goes to a certain place when he gets depressed being hungry on a day of heavy raining.
Character Design/Author: Karinyan
Executive Producer: Ian Tsutsui
Production company: NURUE Inc.
Director: Mari Hamamoto
Animation: Masato Ota
Assistant Director: Maiko Aida
Director/Composite/Editing: Kenichi Otaki
Producer: Shigetaka Mochizuki
Production company: asurafilm co., ltd
Music: “Gioca con me” von CD “Stella stellina” von “…e la luna?”
Composition: Martin Klenk
Lyrics: Eva Spagna
Vocals: Eva Spagna
Cello: Martin Klenk
Guitar: Holger Schliestedt
(歌詞:エヴァ 翻訳:かりにゃん)
なんで? なんて聞かないで。
なんで? なんて聞かないで。